
The AvantElements plugin provides data entry and validation features to the Omeka admin interface and allows customization of elements on the public interface. These features help ensure data integrity, make data entry easier, and provide an enhanced experience for archivists and end users.

AvantElements automatically adds a Duplicate This Item button to the admin Item page. As archivist can click the button to open the Add an Item page with its fields filled in with metadata from the Item being duplicated. Only an item's metadata, not its file attachments or relationships, are duplicated.

Configuration options

The AvantCommon plugin has these configuration options:

The following sections describe each option in detail.

See also the documentation for installing AvantElements.

Allow Add Input option

This option overrides Omeka's default behavior of displaying an "Add Input" button for every element on the admin Edit page. AvantElements reverses this behavior so that the button appears only on the elements specified with this option. To allow Add Input for all elements, enter all_elements.


Specify each element name on a separate row.

Allow HTML option

This option overrides Omeka's default behavior of displaying a "Use HTML" checkbox for every element on the admin Edit page. AvantElements reverses this behavior so that the checkbox appears only on the elements specified with this option.


Specify each element name on a separate row. To allow HTML for all elements, enter all_elements.

Checkbox Field option

This option lets you treat an element as a boolean (true or false) value that appears as a checkbox on the admin Edit page. When you save the item, an unchecked element is saved with an empty value, and a checked element is saved with a value of 1.

The value of 1 is stored in the database to mean true, but you specify what displays on the Item page for achecked element. For example you can specify that "Yes" displays for a checked element. An unchecked element does not display at all unless you have Omeka configured to show empty element values on the Appearance > Settings page.

If you configue an existing element to become a checkbox, any existing non-empty values for that element will be considered as true. The value 1, as mentioned above, gets set for checked elements when an item is saved. Because any not empty value is considered true, when searching for items based on an element's checkbox status, use the Is not empty and Is empty options to search for checked and unchecked elements respectively.


The syntax for each row of the Checkbox Field option is

<element-name> ":" <true-value>


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <true-value> is the text that should display on the Item page when the value is true.
Approved: Yes

Custom Callback option

This is an advanced feature intended for use by PHP programmers are familiar with how Omeka plugins work. The Custom Callback option lets you specify actions to be performed by custom written PHP functions that you provide.


The syntax for each row of the Default Value option is

<element-name> "," <callback-type> ":" <class-name> "," <function-name>


  • <element-name> | "<item"> indicates that the callback is for the named element or for the entire item
  • <callback-type> is "validate" | "save" | "filter" | "default" | "suggest"
  • <class-name> is the name of a PHP class in a custom plugin
  • <function-name> is the name of a public static function in

The table below explains the meaning of the callback types.

Type Used with What the callback function must do
filter <element-name> Return a filtered version of the element's text. As an example, the filter could change "2018-05-29" to "May 5, 2018"
default <element-name> Provide a default value for the element when a new item is added
suggest <element-name> Return a list of suggestions while the user types into the element's field
validate <element-name> or "<item>" Validate non-blank element text, or the item as a whole, and supply an error message if the text or item is invalid. Not called for a blank element.
save "<item>" Perform processing that occurs immediately after an item is saved to the database

The example below shows custom functions located in two different classes, Gcihs and DigitalArchive. The easiest way to provide custom classes is to add your own .php file to the models folder of the AvantCustom plugin. See the source code for that plugin for examples.

Identifier, default: DigitalArchive, getDefaultIdentifier
Identifier, validate: DigitalArchive, validateIdentifier
Accession #, validate: Gcihs, validateAccesssionNumber
Rights, filter: DigitalArchive, filterRights
<item>, validate: DigitalArchive, validateItem
<item>, save: Gcihs, saveItem

Notes - <item>, validate is called before the item is saved. Use this callback to perform validation that can result in an error that prevents the item from being saved. For example, to validate that the Subject value is consistent with the Type value. - <item>, save is called after the item is saved and cannot be used to report an error. Use this callback to execute logic such as updating a table in the database.

Default Value option

Use the Default Value option to provide text that should be automatically filled in for an element when you add a new item.

If the element displays as a dropdown list with contents that come from the SimpleVocab plugin, be sure that the default value you provide is one of the vocabulary values. For example, if you have a Status element with SimpleVocab values 'Pending Approval', 'Approved', and 'Denied', the default value must be one of those three options.

Note that you can also use the Custom Callback option to provide a default value. You would do that when the value needs to be determined dynamically. Use the Default Value option when the value is always the same.


The syntax for each row of the Default Value option is

<element-name> ":" <value>


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <value> is the text that should be used for the default value of the element when a new item is added.
Status: Pending Approval

Display Order option

This option lets you specify the order, top to bottom, in which elements appear on public Item pages. Normally Omeka displays Dublin Core elements first followed by Item Type Metadata elements. This option lets you intermingle both kinds of elements in any sequence you like.

This option does not control the order of elements on admin pages. On the admin Edit page, the order of elements on the Dublin Core tab is dictated by the order on the Edit Element Set page. The order of elements on the Item Type Metadata tab is dictated by the order on the Edit Item Type page.


Specify each element name on a separate row.

Use this option to specify which elements will have their value display as a hyperlink where the hyperlink's href attribute is the element's value. For instance, you may have an element named Web Resource that is used to store the URL to a web page that associated with the item. If the item were for a book, the Web Resource might link to an online copy of the book.

You can style external links using the class metadata-external-link.


The syntax for each row of the External Link option is

<element-name> [ “,” <open-in-new-tab> ] [ “:” <default-link-text> ]


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <open-in-new-tab> is an optional parameter with value true | false to indicate whether the linked-to page should be opened in a new browser tab. If the parameter is omitted, the default is true.
  • <default-link-text> is an optional parameter specifying text to appear as the link text if you don't provide any other text as explained below in the Element Value Syntax for <link-text>.
Web Resource: View this item online
Element Value Syntax:

The syntax for the value of an element that is used as an External Link that is created by using the External Link option described above. The icon indicates that the link is to another website.

[ <link-text> <newline> ] [ <protocol> ] <url>


  • <link-text> is an optional text string to display as the link text (the text a user sees and can click on to go to the external resource). If you omit this text, <default-link-text>
  • <newline> is a carriage return is used for the link text. If <default-link-text> is blank, <url> is used for the link text.
  • <protocol> is either http:// or https://. If you omit this value, <url> will automatically be prefixed with http://.
  • <url> is the URL of the external resource..
Element Value Example:
Read this book online

The examples above will generate a hyperlink like the one shown below:

    <a href="http://www.somewebsite.com" class="metadata-external-link" target="_blank">Read this book online</a>

When checked, this option will display an external link icon following the external link.

Use this option to specify which elements will have their value display as a hyperlink to other elements that have the exact same value. For example, if you list the Type element using this option, the text for the Type field on public and admin Item pages will display a hyperlink that when clicked, will display search results listing every other item that has the same value. If no other items share the value, there will be no hyperlink.

This feature will work whether or not AvantSearch is installed.

You can style implicit links using the class metadata-search-link.


Specify each element name on a separate row.

Important: An element specified using this option cannot also be specified as a filter in the Custom Callback option. If you attempt to do this, you will get an error when you try to save the AvantElements configuration page. If you need an element to display an implicit link and you also want to perform custom filtering on that element, your custom callback code must emit the implicit link. This is because the Omeka/Zend framework for display filtering only honors one display filter per element. Thus if the same element is specified in the Implicit Link option (which sets display filters) and as a display filter in the Custom Callback option, the custom callback function won't get called because it would be creating a second display filter which the framework would ignore.

As an example of this situation, suppose you have an element named Place that contains hierarchical data such as "USA, Maine, Southwest Harbor" and you want an implicit link to other elements with the same value; however, you don't want to display "USA, ". To achieve this, don't specify the element in the Implicit Link option and instead specify the following in the Custom Callback option where 'SomeClass' contains a function called filterPlace.

Place, filter: SomeClass, filterPlace

In your SomeClass file, code the filterPlace PHP function as shown below. The function first asks AvantElements to provide the implicit link HTML and then removes the USA prefix it it exists. It then returns the implicit link without USA.

public static function filterPlace($item, $elementId, $text)
    $prefix = 'USA, ';
    $link = AvantElements::getImplicitLink($elementId, $text);
    if (strpos($link, $prefix) !== false)
        $link = str_replace($prefix, '', $link);
    return $link;

Placeholder option

Use the Placeholder option to provide text that should appear in an empty text field as a placeholder. Placeholder text is usually light gray to indicate that it is a suggestion for what kind of input to use for the field, but it is not actual input.


The syntax for each row of the Default Value option is

<element-name> ":" <value>


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <value> is the placeholder text that should be used for the element when its field is empty.
Title:Provide a clear and concise title for the item.
Description:Provide a detailed description of the item with lots of keywords.

Read-only Field option

Elements listed using this option appear on the admin Edit page as read-only text. Use this option for element values that are set by a plugin or other mechanism, but cannot be edited by an administrator.


Specify each element name on a separate row.

Show Comment Option

This option shows an element's comment if it has one. By default, AvantElements hides all comments, but you can use this option to show them for one or more elements.


On separate rows specify the name of each element that should have its comment shown. Leave the field blank to hide the comments for all elements. To show comments for all elements, enter all_elements.

You can add a comment to a Dublin Core field as explained in the Omeka Documentation for annotating elements.

Show Description option

This option shows the descriptive information that Omeka normally displays on the admin Edit page for a field. By default, AvantElements hides all descriptions, but you can use this option to show them for one or more elements.


On separate rows specify the name of each element that should have its description shown. Leave the field blank to hide the descriptions for all elements. To show descriptions for all elements, enter all_elements.

You can add or edit the description for a non-Dublin Core field as explained in the Omeka Documentation for editing item type elements.

Suggest option

The Suggest option lets you designate elements that should automatically suggest a list of values to choose from as you are typing into the field. The behavior is similar to how the Add Tags field works on the Tags tab.

The suggested values come can come from two different sources:

  • The values of the specified element in the other items in the database. For example, if you specify the Creator element, then as you type, the Suggest logic queries all of the other Creator elements in the database looking for values that contain the text you typed. This feature is especially useful for ensuring consistent data entry because it lets you choose from text that already exists.
  • A SimpleVocab vocabulary for the element. For this to work, you must also specify the same element name using the Text Field option described above. By specifying the element in both the Text Field and Suggest options, the field will display as a text box, not a dropdown list, and the suggestions will come from the vocabulary.

Specify each element name on a separate row.

Text Field option

The Text Field option lets you specify which elements should display on the admin Edit page as a one-line text box instead of a multi-line textarea which is what Omeka displays normally.


The syntax for each row of the Text Field option is

<element-name> [ ":" <width> ]


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <width> is an optional integer parameter indicating the width in pixels of the text box. If the parameter is omitted, the text box occupies the maximum available width.

Textarea Rows option

The Textarea Rows option specifies how many rows will display for a textarea element on the admin Edit page. The value must be an integer >= 1. Note some browsers automatically add one more row than what you specify.

Title Sync option

The Title Sync option lets you specify the name of an element that contains text that must match the value of the Title element in another item. For example, suppose the Creator element in ten different photograph items contains the name of the photographer "John Smith" who took all ten pictures. Also suppose another item's Title element contains "John Smith" and its description has biographical information about this photographer. Now suppose you realize that John's last name is really "Smyth" and so you edit the Title field in the bio item. If Creator is specified as an element in the Title Sync option, the ten items that have "John Smith" as their Creator will automatically be updated to contain the new value "John Smyth".

This option, along with the Suggest option described above, help to ensure data consistency among items. This is especially important for searching purposes so that if, for example, a user finds one item matching "Smyth" they find all the others. Note that although Omeka uses a relational database, it does not have separate tables for elements like Creator which are commonly used to establish relationships between elements. The Omeka model makes for simpler searching, but puts the burden on archivists to ensure data consistency. Options like Suggest and Title Sync help ease that burden.


Specify each element name on a separate row.

Validation option

The Validation option lets you specify one or more validation rules for an element. When you click the Save Changes button on the admin Edit page, AvantElements applies the rules. If the element value does not satisfy the rule, the page reloads, still in edit mode, with an error message displayed at the top of the page.


The syntax for each row of the Validation option is

<element-name> ":" <rule> {"," <rule>}


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <rule> is "required" | "date" | "year" | "simple-text"

The table below explains the meaning of the rules.

Rule Explanation
required The element value must not be blank or contain only spaces.
date The element value must be a date in the form YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2018-05-29. This format ensures that dates will sort properly.
year The element value must be a four digit year
number The element value must be a number
simple-text The element value must not contain carriage returns, tabs, leading or trailing spaces, en or em dashes. If the text contains any of these, AvantElements will not report an error, but before saving the item, it will remove carriage returns and tabs, strip leading or trailing spaces, and replace an en or em dash with a hyphen. This option is especially useful for the Title element to ensure that every title has simple, consistent formatting that can be reliably searched.
upper-case The element value must be uppercase. If the text is not uppercase, AvantElements will not report an error, but before saving the item, will convert it to uppercase.
lower-case The element value must be lowercase. If the text is not lowercase, AvantElements will not report an error, but before saving the item, will convert it to lowercase.

You can specify more than one rule as shown in the example below for the Title element.

Title: required, simple-text
Type: required
Subject: required
Creator: simple-text
Date: date

Vocabulary Field option

The purpose of this option is to let you specify the width of dropdown lists that are displayed and populated by the SimpleVocab plugin. It lets you specify the width of the dropdown in pixels. For example, you can use a narrow width for an element having a vocabulary consisting of only one or two word values.

A SimpleVocab element that is not listed with this option will always display as 300px which is the width set by the SimpleVocab plugin.

This option will not be available if the SimpleVocab plugin is not installed.


The syntax for each row of the SimpleVocab Field option is

<element-name> [ ":" <width> ]


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <width> is an optional integer parameter indicating the width in pixels of the dropdown list. If the parameter is omitted, the dropdown list occupies the maximum available width.


  • If you specify the same element name as both a SimpleVocab Field and as a Text Field, the element will not display as a dropdown list. So if you change an element from Text to SimpleVocab, be sure to remove it from the Text Field option.


The AvantElements plugin requires that the AvantCommon plugin be installed and activated.


To install the AvantElements plugin, follow these steps:

  1. First install and activate the AvantCommon plugin.
  2. Download the latest release from https://github.com/gsoules/AvantElements
  3. Unzip AvantElements-master.zip into your Omeka plugins folder
  4. Rename the folder to AvantElements
  5. Activate the plugin from the Omeka Plugins page


Use this software at your own risk.


This plugin is published under [GNU/GPL].

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  • Created by gsoules
  • Copyright George Soules, 2016-2020
  • See LICENSE for more information.