
The AvantRelationships plugin visually displays real-world relationships between items in an Omeka database. When you view an item, the plugin displays thumbnails and titles of related items. It also displays a graphical visualization depicting the relationships among items. The user instantly sees how the item fits in with the rest of the collection and easily discovers related items.

AvantRelationships requires that each item have a unique identifier. It uses the identifiers to establish the relationship between two items. It assumes that you are using the Dublin Core Identifier element for this purpose. If you are using another element, you must specify it on the AvantCommon configuration page. It also assumes use of the Dublin Core Title element.

Configuration options

The AvantRelationships plugin has these configuration options:

The following sections describe each option in detail.

See also the documentation for installing AvantRelationships.

Custom Relationships option

This option lets you specify the names of custom callback functions that you write to dynamically create relationships for the items being viewed (the primary item). The function must create an array of one or more Item objects that are somehow related to the primary item. These items will appear in their own relationship group at the end of at Item page after all other relationship groups. A relationship to the group will also appear in the visualization.

Custom relationships are one-way from the item being viewed to other items. If you click one of the related items, its Item page will not display a relationship back to the original item.

Each row of the Custom Relationships option specifies one group. The synxtax is:

<class-name> "," <function-name>


  • <class-name> is the name of a PHP class in a custom plugin
  • <function-name> is the name of a public static function in
Example use:
SomeCustomClass, createCustomRelationshps
Example custom callback PHP function:
class SomeCustomClass
    public static function createCustomRelationshps(Item $primaryItem, RelatedItemsTree $tree)
        $items = array();

        // Put code here to add items to the array that are related to $primaryItem.

        return $tree->createCustomRelationshipsGroup($items, 'Name of Relationship Group');

Delete Tables option

WARNING: Checking this option will cause all relationship database tables and data to be permanently deleted if you uninstall this plugin. Do not check this box unless you are certain that in the future you will not be using relationship data that you created (relationships, types, rules, and cover images) while using this plugin . If you are just experimenting with the plugin, leave the box unchecked. If you decide not to use the plugin, check the box, Save Changes, and then uninstall the plugin.

Max Direct Items option

Use this option to specify the number of directly related items that will be listed before displaying a Show more message.

Max Indirect Items option

Use this option to specify the number of indirectly related items that will be listed before displaying a Show more message.

Title Relationships option

This option lets you specify elements that have an implicit relationship to other items based on the Title of those items. See the description of this option below.

Title Relationships

A title relationship is one where the value of an element for one item exactly matches the value of the Title element for another item. For example, if the Creator element for a photograph item specifies the name of a photographer and that photographer's name is used for the Title on another item, then there is an implicit Created / Created by relationship between the items.

The AvantRelationships configuration page has an option called Title Relationships that lets you specify which elements can have an implicit relationship to items that have a matching Title element value.

In the example above, the plugin displays title relationships in three ways:

  • When viewing one of the photograph items, its Creator text is shown as a hyperlink. Clicking this link takes you to the item having the photographer's name as its Title.
  • When viewing the item titled with the photographer's name, photographs created by that photographer appear on that page as related items.
  • The title relationships from the creator to his/her creations appear in the Visualization.

The syntax for each row of the Title Relationships option is

<element-name> ":" <label>


  • <element-name> is the name of an Omeka element.
  • <label> specifies the text to describe the relationship in the direction from the titles item to the implicitly related items. This text appears in the page's related items section and in the visualization.
Creator: Created
Publisher: Published

Visualization Preview option

Specify where the Relationships Visulization Preview should appear. You can have the visualization appear immediately after metadata elements,or you designate a location, e.g. in the sidebar, by calling the show_relationships_visualization hook in your theme's items/show.php page. To not show the visualization, choose the Don't show visualization option.

Placement of the Visualization Preview

The preview is a small image of the visualization. When you click on the preview's Enlarge link, a full size visualization appears in a popup. By default, the AvantRelationships plugin displays the preview immediately after an item's metadata elements and before item relationship groups. You can have the preview appear somewhere else such as in the sidebar. To display the graph at a designated location:

  • On the Configure Plugin page for AvantRelationships, choose At designated location` for the Visualization Preview* option
  • Call the hook shown below from /themes/<your-theme-name>/items/show.php as shown in the example below
<div id="secondary">
    <?php fire_plugin_hook('show_relationships_visualization', array('view' => $this, 'item' => $item)); ?>
</div><!-- end secondary -->

If you don't want to show the preview, choose the Don't show visualization configuration option.


The AvantRelationships plugin requires the AvantCommon plugin be installed and activated.

AvantRelationships depends on the following open source libraries which are included in views/shared/javascripts. Click the links below to see copyrights and licenses for each.

  • Cytoscape.js - graph theory / network library for analysis and visualization
  • cytoscape-panzoom - widget that lets the user pan and zoom about a Cytoscape.js graph
  • Dagre - DAG (directed acyclic graph) for Cytoscape.js
  • CoSE Bilkent - layout for Cytoscape.js


To install the AvantElements plugin, follow these steps:

  1. First install and activate the AvantCommon plugin.
  2. Download the latest release from https://github.com/gsoules/AvantRelationships
  3. Unzip AvantRelationships-master.zip into your Omeka plugins folder
  4. Rename the folder to AvantRelationships
  5. Activate the plugin from the Omeka Plugins page


You can uninstall AvantRelationships in the usual way; however, by default, the uninstaller will not remove the database tables that store relationship information. This is to protect against accidental deletion of important data. To remove the tables, you must check the Delete Tables option on the Configure Plugin page, save the change, and then proceed with uninstalling the plugin.


Use this software at your own risk.


This plugin is published under [GNU/GPL].

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  • Created by gsoules
  • Copyright George Soules, 2016-2020
  • See LICENSE for more information